Crickers gets back to work

TALENT: Chris Crickmay

Looks like 2024 is going to be a busy year for Chris “Crickers” Crickmay. The vocal local has started the year with a flourish.

January presented an opportunity for Chris to be creative. He was cast in a variety of colourful roles: from playing ‘Cheshire Cat’ from Alice in Wonderland and a cameo vocal in an English murder mystery; to reminding grownups that their local cinema’s a great place to ‘lose the kids’ throughout school holidays.

And if that wasn’t enough, he’s also hosted the Gold Coast Women in business awards – all from the comfort of his home studio!

Chris does his best work behind the mic and he loves a vocal challenge. And while every session with Chris is a lot of fun, clients are quick to acknowledge his versatility, entrusting him with serious and important messages too – such as these announcements for the Gold Coast City Council.

Chris is available 24/7 and is no doubt in his booth at this very minute. Feel free to reach out at any time to join in on the fun!

Have a listen to his latest demo.