TALENT: Chris Crickmay

Looks like 2024 is going to be a busy year for Chris “Crickers” Crickmay. The vocal local has started the year with a flourish.

January presented an opportunity for Chris to be creative. He was cast in a variety of colourful roles: from playing ‘Cheshire Cat’ from Alice in Wonderland and a cameo vocal in an English murder mystery; to reminding grownups that their local cinema’s a great place to ‘lose the kids’ throughout school holidays.

And if that wasn’t enough, he’s also hosted the Gold Coast Women in business awards – all from the comfort of his home studio!

Chris does his best work behind the mic and he loves a vocal challenge. And while every session with Chris is a lot of fun, clients are quick to acknowledge his versatility, entrusting him with serious and important messages too – such as these announcements for the Gold Coast City Council.

Chris is available 24/7 and is no doubt in his booth at this very minute. Feel free to reach out at any time to join in on the fun!

Have a listen to his latest demo.

TALENT: Chris Crickmay

It’s been a huge start to the year for the hard working larrikin, Chris ‘Crickers’ Crickmay.

The paint had barely had time to dry on his recently refurbed home studio before the word got out that his voice booth was cranking out a fresh new vibe.

Some of Australia’s big names have been calling: eBay, Domaine, Red Rooster. Even the legendary local pie shop, Goldstein’s Bakery has been keen to get Crickers spruiking their wares.

From sophisticated, to ol’ mate next door, from authoritative to loose canon. Crickers has a unique gift of the gab; adjusting his vocal performance like a chameleon to subtly blend in with the occasion.

Check out his video montage above, or check out his demos.

Or better still, if you need the voice for all occasions, contact the man himself.