TALENT: Paul Davies

Earlier this year Paul channeled his inner Cockney and voiced a series of promos for the Hit Network’s ‘Ed to London with Carrie and Tommy’ competition – Hit’s first overseas competition since the pandemic.

Paul has quite a way with words. And accents.

This little spot was produced by Jeremiah Busniak at B105 Brisbane for B105, 2DayFM, The Fox, SAFM, Mix 94.5 and SEAFM.

Reacquaint yourself with Paul’s linguistical reportoire here.

Ed to London

TALENT: Paul Davies

AGENCY: Brother and Co

Brisbane creative shop, Brother and Co. got a call up to show their wares on ABC’s ad show, Gruen. Their brief: Save our Bees.

The Bro Co called in the persuasive Paul Davies to provide the narrative. The man with a thousand voices didn’t let them down.

His read had the the Brisbane ad world buzzing.

TALENT: Paul Davies

When Brisbane design studio, Flip Creative initiated their covert radio operation with Nova for the launch of a new trendy Valley bar, they sniffed out special agent Paul Davies, the man with a thousand tongues.

The result? Well Paul’s seasoned edge proved you don’t need to hit people on the head to get inside them. The undercover strategy proved a masterful success.