TALENT: Tom Murray


Experienced voice talent, sound technician, podcast producer. BrisVO’s Thomas Murray is living proof that when you select your talent wisely, you can get more than you bargained for.

Over the years, Tom has provided his voiceover skills to some of the state’s largest and well known advertisers, including the Queensland Government, Crust Pizza, Brisbane Lions and many more.

However recently, he’s been helping people get their messages to their audiences through podcasts – such as his own series for Ipswich Libraries called “Stories for Little Queenslanders”, and a new construction and economic comedy series he helps to produce for Sue Rogan and Scott Challen called “Nuts and Bolts”.

TALENT: Tom Murray


In between commercial voice sessions, talented BrisVO voice artist Tom Murray has been producing a podcast series for Ipswich Libraries.

The series, called “Stories for little Queenslanders’, involved Tom visiting a number of Ipswich primary schools to record grade 6 children reading selected stories written by local Queenslanders and published by the state library of Queensland.

The initiative is aimed at promoting literacy in children 0-5. It’s fun, rewarding and educational… and good for community.

You’ll hear Tom’s voice providing the introduction and signoff.

TALENT: Tom Murray

When national gym franchise Fitstop decided to give their brand message a workout during the Super Bowl 2022 coverage, they knew Tom Murray was in the perfect shape to help give them a lift.

No nonsense, assertive and straight down to business. Tom really beasted it up.

TALENT: Tom Murray

Summer’s just around the corner and our beaches are opening up again. And with a couple of attacks making the news headlines recently, the Queensland Government has implemented a timely SharkSmart program.

The SharkSmart campaign features a series of online TV ads, each of which has been voiced by the very capable Tom Murray. Tom’s reads blend the perfect mix of authority and clarity with a hint of a Queensland smile. Smart choice, Queensland.

Have a buddy

Avoid dawn or dusk

Reduce risk

Fish waste and food scraps

Swim in clear water

TALENT: Tom Murray

PRODUCTION: Nick and Tom, Nova Breaksfast Show

BrisVo newcomer, Tom Murray, co-hosts a Sunday Breakfast show on Nova with Nick Allen-Ducat. Proving that life’s not all fun and games on weekend radio, the pair were instrumental in piecing together this hard-hitting fast food expose. Warning, some scenes may make you hungry.