TALENT: Walter Williams

Ask Walter Williams and he’ll tell you, his studio is ‘the greatest place on earth’. He’s rightfully very proud and passionate about his craft.

So when he landed a plumb read for Disney World (the officially recognised Greatest Place on Earth), he was literally beside himself.

The Disney adventure tops off what has already been an exciting year for Walt.

He started 2023 by graduating from the Anthony Lamond Standup Comedy Course… and the laughs and good times have kept rolling.

He’s just secured the voice work for a 40,000 word e-Learning Project for the Opal Mining Industry. His warm but professional voice will be helping workers in this industry lower fatalities through a series of safety awareness modules.

It’s not the first time Walt’s worked closely with the Mining Industry.  Over the years he’s enjoyed working on a catalogue of projects with Mining Skills Australia and several others.

Walt has a few new jobs in the pipeline too.

More recently he’s been working closely with Luminaire Media’s Director/Producer Benjamin Evans, who discovered Walt’s talents on the BrisVO website. They’ve teamed up on a series of Corporate Videos for the leading supplier of Australian Beef around the world.

And earlier in the year, Walt got the call up from a client in Germany for the Agile Evolution Corporate Project. Rene from FMP Studio reached out to Walt directly through the award winning Bodalgo site saying, “I just stumbled across your incredible voice while looking for a master voice over for a customer related kick off clip.” 

Music to Walter’s ears.

You can hear the result of the Agile Evolution job below.

Like to hear from from Walter? Check out his demos here

Agile Evolution

TALENT: Walter Williams

Walter Williams has been stepping up to the microphone in some of the best recording studios in Australia for decades. 

Walt’s voice is a part of Australian recording history. As a prolific and strong vocal talent, it’s no surprise that Walt’s won accolade after accolade for his contribution to spoken word.

Walt embarked on a successful full time career seven years ago and hasn’t looked back since.

This month he not only celebrates another trip around the sun, but also a very busy time in his own Ultrafonic Soundproof Vocal Booth on his Neumann microphone.

While he’s been in a small room talking to himself and various producers around the world directing sessions remotely he’s recorded Radio Promos in his best British accent for the bands “glaive” (it is lower case) touring in Minneapolis and Rock’n’Roll Hall of Famers’ “The Zombies” on their US Tour.

He’s also been busy on the tools recording TVC projects for The Beachie @ Toukley, Winc Australia, Webjet & Illuminate Adelaide for Ouchhh Studio amongst others including a major German Kitchen appliance company, Bora, which went to air this month.

Online he’s everywhere on a special project for Brand USA Disney, an explainer video for Apia Australia, a USA home security company launch in Australia and the unveiling of a brand new camper from Pioneer Campers.

Plus Walt dipped his toes into Gaming as the F. Murray Abraham style voice explaining folklore on “Stick War 3”, “Soul Catcher” action role play game and on the release trailer for “Plan B From Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey…

Walter Williams stands alone within an elite cluster of exclusive Australian & Worldwide Voice Talents.

Like to hear from from Walter? Check out his demos here

Apia Australia



Bora Cooktop Extractor

TALENT: Walter Williams

With Anzac Day coming up on April 25 Walter Williams reflects on one his proudest Voice Over projects of 2020, when he was asked by RSL Queensland to be the “Voice of God” (as it’s known in the business for live announcements) to commorate the 75th Anniversary of VP Day.

A five and a half minute short animation was projected onto Brisbane City Hall, in Adelaide Street.

Thousands of locals and tourists gathered in the cold of a Brisbane Winter in King George Square rugged up to watch the screening every night from Monday, August 10 to Friday, 14th from 6pm till 8pm every five minutes.

The presentation included a roll of honour for our World War 2 Veterans, plus archive footage and audio from the era.

It was quite a moving event.

As William Faulkner, wrote in “Requiem for a Nun”, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

Walter’s narration was recorded in his own Broadcast Quality Studio on a Neumann TLM 49 microphone with a digital signal chain of Solid State Logic 2 Plus audio Interface using 4K, Mogami Gold Cables, TwistedWave DAW and edited on iMac27, through Fostex Monitors. That’s tech-talk for great recording gear.

The final mix and post production was handled by NW Groups’ Spyglass who’ve been helping create unforgettable events around the world for as long as Walter has been talking to himself in padded booths.

Like to hear from from Walter? Check out his demos here

TALENT: Walter Williams

PRODUCTION: Rolo Voice Productions

Like all his BrisVO counterparts, Walter Williams has adapted his home recording studio to remotely output professional voice tracks on demand. Smart WFH studios like Walt’s means the production of high quality commercials can continue without compromise. In fact, home studios add an extra layer of conveniece for everyone.

No greater testament to this was Walt’s performance for a national TV and Radio Campaign for rolled out for Yamaha Australia.

Walt voiced the spot from his Ultrafonic soundproof vocal booth through his Rode NTG3 Shotgun (or “Hollywood” microphone) and into a TwistedWave DAW on his iMac27. His raw mix was then uploaded to the cloud ready for the post production house to collect and add their final embellishments.

And all this unfolded while the agency, production company director, and the happy client checked-in to supervise via Skpye.

It is the new normal.

TALENT: Walter Williams

PRODUCTION: Luke Ayers Media

Locked away in his home-based sound proof booth, talking into a Neumann TLM 49 microphone, you’d excuse Walter Williams if he seemed a little cray cray. But nothing could be further from the truth for this local voice professional. In fact, you could say Walter Williams thrives with cabin fever.

Every day, Walter makes magic happen in his padded booth… as evidenced by this corporate video produced recently for professional research and property investment agency, Meridian Australia.

Meridian’s video has already enjoyed more than 600 views on YouTube… plus one more, thanks to you.

TALENT: Walter Williams

PRODUCTION: Walter Williams

Nothing says ‘Australia’ like the Sydney Opera House. And nothing celebrates the spirit of Australian innovation like a Bausele watch.

So when it came to this corporate video narration for the uniquely Australian time piece, Walter Williams gave it the respect it deserves with a classy, sophisticated professional and iconic read.

Recorded in his own in-house studio, Walter rigged his trusty Rode NTG3 shotgun mic on Mogami Gold cable into a PreSonus Studio 2/6 audio interface on his iMac 27 using a TwistedWave DAW.

You might think that sounds a little technical… but listening carefully to the audio and you’ll hear it’s as crisp as freshly starched cotton shirt. And the audio recording needed very little processing!

While we’re getting technical, the name “Bausele” is an acronym for Beyond AUStralian ELEments, that’s because each watch contains elements of Australia in their stunning design.

Take the time to enjoy.