Since 1996 BrisVO has been home to a collection of Australia’s finest voice talents.
Each BrisVO artist has a rare and distinguishing quality. Each brings the experience of a seasoned professional to every recording session. And each BrisVO voice artist shares one common trait; they’re each proud Brisbane locals; that’s right, Queenslanders – showing the world how it’s done.
If you need a voice for that script you’re ready to produce, you’re bound to find the perfect fit right here at BrisVO.
Not sure who should voice your next project? With so many choices available at BrisVO it’s easy to be overwhelmed. So why not ask for a demo?
You can always reach out to any of the BrisVO artists to try before you buy. And they would be delighted to hear from you.
Just click on a head shot from the gallery above to access that artist’s profile. Then simply email them through the contact form on their page.
Award-winning actor, voice artist and arts educator, Thomas Larkin is no stranger to being asked to play a diverse mix of roles. Currently kitting-up to play an Australian Rules footballer in Melbourne Theatre Company and Queensland Theatre’s co-production 37, Thom can also be seen in Bad Ancestors, a Fresh Blood project for ABC.
Mikee Joaquin has loads of creative flair. After making his home in Brisbane from the US, the colourful performer has developed quite a niche. His unique and quirky style was recently required to voice a series of e-learning videos for both Crayola and Colgate-Palmolive. While his natural rhythm and ability to move has been called upon to play the part of Dipsy… yes, the green Teletubby!
Chris Crickmay does his best work behind the mic and he loves a vocal challenge. And while every session with Chris is a lot of fun, clients are quick to acknowledge his versatility, entrusting him with serious and important messages too – such as these announcements for the Gold Coast City Council.
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